Sunday, July 30, 2006
So, it appears the result of the recycled water referendum in Toowoomba is a resounding 'no'. In hindsight, I guess I shouldn't be suprised, but it still saddens me. It also leads to the inevitable question; why make voting compulsory? I know it's hip to hate Americans, and it's not like their system of government is flawless by any means, but seriously, perhaps we should make voting voluntary and take some positive steps to keep morons out of the polling booth?
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Don't Eat The Brown Acid
As I was driving home last night, I noticed that to my right there appeared to be a horse trotting along the other side of the road. I immediately started thinking that I probably should call some sort of authority (though I couldn't decide which one) and alert them that said horse was loose, because, you know, that could be potentially dangerous for surrounding humans as well as the horse. I drove a little further up the road only to realise that it was not in fact a stray horse, but a curved white fence to the side of the road.
I know.
I thought it too.
I know.
I thought it too.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Ice Age
On the subject of riveting docos, 4 Corners aired one a couple of months ago on the subject of a disturbing new strain of amphetamine called ice. I only caught the very end of it when it aired and had been kicking myself ever since, however it's now available online. I can't take credit for finding the link or for the idea of posting it, but you can watch it here. It is disturbing, so be warned, but it's also incredible, . The doco aside, 4 Corners should be congratulated for their awesome video streaming. Favours mac users, but you know, why wouldn't they?
Cancer Cures Everything
There was that thing on TV last night about Kylie and her battle with cancer. I don't want
to make light of anyone's battle with a potentially fatal disease, but I dunno, these exposes on stars who battle cancer kind of rub me the wrong way. I know they're stars, and the public want to know about said stars personal life, but I would beat my left nut and shake that Kylie was no more corageous in her battle than the 1000's and 1000's of other cancer sufferers out there. My friend James died of cancer when he was 21. Where's the special detailing his horrific journey and brave struggle?
I just don't think that a star surviving cancer should be made into a TV specials is all.
to make light of anyone's battle with a potentially fatal disease, but I dunno, these exposes on stars who battle cancer kind of rub me the wrong way. I know they're stars, and the public want to know about said stars personal life, but I would beat my left nut and shake that Kylie was no more corageous in her battle than the 1000's and 1000's of other cancer sufferers out there. My friend James died of cancer when he was 21. Where's the special detailing his horrific journey and brave struggle?
I just don't think that a star surviving cancer should be made into a TV specials is all.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
I'm Weighing In.. the cyclist debate.
I am aware that there may well be some avid cyclists reading,
but I'm weighing in regardless.
Cyclists have the right to ride on roads. They also have a responsibility to obey all relelvant traffic laws. Motorists also should obey said laws and respect the cyclists right to ride on the same roads that they drive one.
..until you leg shaving, ridiculous amount of lycra wearing, look at how fit I'm getting, couldn't afford to buy a sports car for my mid life crisis so I took up cycling instead, wannabe athlete motherfuckers have to pay $400 a year to register your pushbike, STAY THE FUCK TO THE SIDE OF THE ROAD AND STOP ENDANGERING ALL OUR LIVES.
Thankyou. That is all.
I am aware that there may well be some avid cyclists reading,
but I'm weighing in regardless.
Cyclists have the right to ride on roads. They also have a responsibility to obey all relelvant traffic laws. Motorists also should obey said laws and respect the cyclists right to ride on the same roads that they drive one.
..until you leg shaving, ridiculous amount of lycra wearing, look at how fit I'm getting, couldn't afford to buy a sports car for my mid life crisis so I took up cycling instead, wannabe athlete motherfuckers have to pay $400 a year to register your pushbike, STAY THE FUCK TO THE SIDE OF THE ROAD AND STOP ENDANGERING ALL OUR LIVES.
Thankyou. That is all.
Friday, July 14, 2006
This Things I Believe
I have a few bloggers to thank for providing the inspiration to 'go public' with my ranting and raving. In no particular order of preference, here are the blogs I swear by
Brlogsbane - guaranteed to make you smarter*
Julaberry - this blog genuinely has it all, and then some.
Skinflute Symphony - Skinflute taught me all I know about scrambled eggs. If that isn't enough, he is a bonified living legend.
Path Of Most Resistance - mskp is a one in a million. Seriously.
*not a guarantee, but it teaches me something almost every time I read it.
Brlogsbane - guaranteed to make you smarter*
Julaberry - this blog genuinely has it all, and then some.
Skinflute Symphony - Skinflute taught me all I know about scrambled eggs. If that isn't enough, he is a bonified living legend.
Path Of Most Resistance - mskp is a one in a million. Seriously.
*not a guarantee, but it teaches me something almost every time I read it.
Monday, July 10, 2006
A Truer Word
"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side."
Hunter S. Thompson
Hunter S. Thompson
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
You Know, We're Living In A Society.
Just the other day I went to the movies for the 3rd time in 2 weeks. The first 2 times both movies were significantly interrupted by other humans (and I use the term loosely). You know the ones - they can't survive 100 minutes without stuffing their dullard mouths with snacks that are available 24 hours a day, or they feel compelled to say out loud what has just happened, or they're just too stupid to follow a movie plot, so they start fidgeting in their seat. The 2nd time I went it took all the willpower I had not to choke the idiot next to me with the shopping bag he would stuff his lumbering paw into every 20 minutes to fish himself out a little treat.
So. The 3rd movie I went to I thought I would try to escape said 'humans' a little by going Gold Class. Sure it's overpriced, but the seats are comfortable and I reasoned that the exclusionary nature of Gold Class would, you know, exclude at least some of the dickheads.
Unfortunately, I underestimated the dickheads.
The movie I saw was rated M. Imagine my dismay when, as I sat patiently in the kind of OK Gold Class waiting lounge, a woman bowls in with 4 kids in tow, the oldest looking about 12 and the youngest no more than 5. As I sat bubbling in a stew of contempt, I reasoned that there was more than 1 Gold Class cinema where I was, so surely there was a kids movie playing at the same time. My hope turned to dispair when it was announed that anyone watching my movie could take their seats, and the woman and her clan of hyped up, over-stimulated, just itching to annoy spawn followed me in.
I wont bore you with the details of how much the wretched little shits pissed me off (I would think it fairly obvious by now) or how many times I flashed the angry eyebrows in their general direction, plus at the end of the day it's not the kids fault. But I ask you, what sort of a parent thinks it's OK to bring children to ANY movie, much less one that I'M trying to watch, not to mention one that is rated M and costs $20 a seat?? That's right - a very bad, very stupid, far too wealthy for their own good parent.
Don't take kids to the movies. Even if you think they're a "good kid". They aren't special. They will not sit quietly. They do not belong in movie theatres. Stop doing it, you idiot parents.
So. The 3rd movie I went to I thought I would try to escape said 'humans' a little by going Gold Class. Sure it's overpriced, but the seats are comfortable and I reasoned that the exclusionary nature of Gold Class would, you know, exclude at least some of the dickheads.
Unfortunately, I underestimated the dickheads.
The movie I saw was rated M. Imagine my dismay when, as I sat patiently in the kind of OK Gold Class waiting lounge, a woman bowls in with 4 kids in tow, the oldest looking about 12 and the youngest no more than 5. As I sat bubbling in a stew of contempt, I reasoned that there was more than 1 Gold Class cinema where I was, so surely there was a kids movie playing at the same time. My hope turned to dispair when it was announed that anyone watching my movie could take their seats, and the woman and her clan of hyped up, over-stimulated, just itching to annoy spawn followed me in.
I wont bore you with the details of how much the wretched little shits pissed me off (I would think it fairly obvious by now) or how many times I flashed the angry eyebrows in their general direction, plus at the end of the day it's not the kids fault. But I ask you, what sort of a parent thinks it's OK to bring children to ANY movie, much less one that I'M trying to watch, not to mention one that is rated M and costs $20 a seat?? That's right - a very bad, very stupid, far too wealthy for their own good parent.
Don't take kids to the movies. Even if you think they're a "good kid". They aren't special. They will not sit quietly. They do not belong in movie theatres. Stop doing it, you idiot parents.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
It's The Same Old. Same Old Situa-a-a-tion.
Not a single day of my life passes by during which I don't listen to some for of recorded music. Granted, that is not a unique or groundbreaking statement, but as I was driving home just now I started thinking about how the music I choose to listen to, particularly when driving home in the evening, can capture, enhance, console and indulge any 'situation' I find my personal life in. At this very point in time I'm involved in a 'situation' and I tonight I found the perfect song companion for it (I won't tell you what song) and you know what? It made me feel better, even though it's not a particularly uplifting song or pleasent 'situation'.
Again, I would not be the only person on the planet who does this sort of thing, but it got me thinking....If I were to think back on all the good and bad emotional journeys of my life thus far, and make a list of the each seperate feeling and the subsequent song I chose to go with it, would it be a list you could give to just about anyone to help them?
If anyone has the time or inclination, please feel free to start such a list and send it to me, and I'll compile the ulitmate 'How To Survive The Rigours of Life' compilation CD. Seriously. We'll make a mint. What?? Some of us have got to live too you know. I told 'em they'd never make their money back. Bernie, I says....
Again, I would not be the only person on the planet who does this sort of thing, but it got me thinking....If I were to think back on all the good and bad emotional journeys of my life thus far, and make a list of the each seperate feeling and the subsequent song I chose to go with it, would it be a list you could give to just about anyone to help them?
If anyone has the time or inclination, please feel free to start such a list and send it to me, and I'll compile the ulitmate 'How To Survive The Rigours of Life' compilation CD. Seriously. We'll make a mint. What?? Some of us have got to live too you know. I told 'em they'd never make their money back. Bernie, I says....
Saturday, July 01, 2006
A Dose from the Reverend

He sure could yell.
We're gonna miss him.
Chicks Dig Jerks - Bill Hicks
Hitler had Ava Braun, Manson had Squeaky Frawn,
Ted Bundy got lots of dates, I wonder what I'm doing wrong.
I don't pretend to understand women's little quirks
Just one thing I know for sure - chicks dig jerks.
Well, if I meet one more single mom Whose true love is up and gone
Tells me on her trailer porch 'Bout that man Still carries a torch,
Sure, he came home drunk each night Beat the kids and her in a fight,
But, man, she loves him so, It's so hard to let him go.
Well, I don't pretend to understand women's little quirks,
Just one thing I know for sure - chicks dig jerks.
Well, I'm sure there's some out there who can relate,
Particularly young men without a date
See some jerk, some fine, fine babe, Go driving away.
Well, is that a new bruise you got on you?
What does it say, that he loves you?
Sure he beats you, but afterwards he cries, "Oh, baby, I could die."
Honey, I don't think that's nothing to be proud of,
I think it's called alcoholism
I don't think you should move away,
Stay with him till you're in your grave.
"You're so sweet."
"Can't we just be friends?"
"I think of you as a brother."
Ouch. Ouch. You're hurting me.
What do I have to offer you, baby? Poetry and true love.
That's not enough, I know for sure,
You need someone to throw you through the door.
Well, I don't pretend to understand women's little quirks.
Just one thing I know for sure-chicks dig jerks!
Chicks dig jerks, it's so true.
Tell you, man, be mean to 'em man, they'll never leave you, then,
'Cause chicks dig jerks. Just ignore 'em. Act like they're not there.
Man, you're gonna be pulling chicks out of your hair. They love that.
Act like you don't care, Look at them everywhere, they come running.
Tired of being a good guy Such a lonely life.
I'm gonna be a jerk Yeah, that's right, I'm gonna step on lots of toes.
Girls gonna go crazy for that kind of guy.
Baby, I'm gonna act like I don't know you.
Not gonna return one of your calls.
I hear her. She’s already at the door man.
She’s ‘intrigued by my indifference’.
Yeah, I'm a jerk And it's working out.