Saturday, March 31, 2007

I Send A Message

I woulde hazard a guess I'm not the first person to wax lyrical on the pros and cons of the text message, but I can't help but marvel out loud at it's stunning rise to popularity and it's impossible to ignore impact on our daily lives.

I remember when they first came out and were free to send. They were more of a novelty than a legitimate (and I use the term loosely) form of communication.

I think it's funny how you can receive a text message from someone wishing you a happy birthday (for example), and you think 'wow that's really nice that they took the time to send me a message', and yet you receive a similar message from someone else and think 'I can't believe they only took the time to send me a text message'.

Whilst the text message is clearly a cowards best friend, it can also provide a safety barrier that enables you to say things to close friends that you wouldn't normally say out loud. Like when you receive a mesage from a close friend out of the blue that says they think you're awesome and hope you're having a great day. I received one of these just yesterday, and they really do make you feel awesome. I send them myself every now and then, but I have never, not once, actually called up a close friend and said 'I think you're awesome and hope you're having a great day". To some extent, that would be a little wierd, but sent in a text message and it's perfectly normal.

I'm not saying it's good or bad, I just think it's perculiar.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On first reading I thought you said "I send them to myself every now and then" - which was kind of cool but kind of sad. Anyway, I'm glad that's not what you wrote.

5:32 PM  
Blogger I Am Man I Am You. said...

"which was kind of cool but kind of sad". that's me in a nutshell!

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At first that is what I read too.

I was a little concerned.

7:47 PM  

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