So it's my birthday very soon. I know I'm not the only one to become introspective (I mean, more so) on such a day-I don't think it's a bad thing. Someone said to me today that I was making too big a deal of the occasion, but for my money that's a load of bollocks. A birthday is the one day of the year that is totally and utterly yours, and unless someone else in your family happens to have the same birthday as you, it's free reign for 24 hours of self-indulgence, both mental and physical. You've got 364 other days to worry about all the shit that you worry about.
Nobody gets to fuck with you on your birthday.
....I was grocery shopping last week. As I stood in line at the checkout there was an elderly man in front of me who had struck up a conversation with the cashier, and they got to talking about birthdays. The cashier was saying how February was a big month for birthdays in her family, and my ears pricked up because it's the same in my family. She then went on to say when her birthday was, and it sounded like she had said it was on the same day as mine, but I couldn't hear properly.
My turn came and I said to her "I couldn't help but overhear-is your birthday on the **th?", and she told me that indeed it was. I told her mine was too and it felt like I'd met a long lost twin (although she was 8 years older than me, and I would have no conceivable idea what it would be like to have a twin, much less lose contact with one for an extended period of time). We got talking about star signs and personality types, and she asked me if I was the sort of person who did the things that she listed, and of course, I was. It really was a joyous, untainted experience and it put a spring in my step for the rest of the day. And to think I almost wasn't going to go shopping that morning.
Just goes to show, almost everything happens for a reason, even the most incidental of decisions.