Monday, July 23, 2007

Come On Over

I received a lot of raised eyebrows and looks of genuine disappointment when I announced at work that I was going to see Christina Aguilera live. One of the benefits of getting old is you care less and less what people think of you, so I was unphased.

I wont prattle on and on (for once) about the show. Suffice to say it was jaw-droppingly amazing, and out of all the shows I've seen in the past year, it would have to make it into the top 3.

Here's a few snaps (taken from my top notch vantage point, right near the front). Apologies for some of the less than in focus shots-my borrowed camera isn't what it used to be.

Show Opening

Xtina appears

Rug cutting

Circus set

The Spinning Wheel (she grabbed a random dude from the crowd and strapped him to it later in the show. With the treatment she gave him I dare say he's still in a state of high arousal).


Bowing after 'Beautiful'

Favourite shot


Blogger mskp said...

she's the shizzle.

2:05 PM  

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