Red Pill/Blue Pill
Got quite a few posts in the, but had to get this one off my chest post haste.
I finally saw Hamell On Trial play 2 nights ago at Woodford. Previous posts should make it clear how I feel about the man, but to say his performance was amazing could well be the understatement of the year.
OK, that may be the overstatement of the year, but seriously, there is no way to describe the way it was and the way it made me feel.
It was so good, all other performances I have either seen since or will see in the future now seem redundant. I fear I've seen too much and can never return to my life as I knew it.
He's on tomorrow (31st) at 18:00 on the Club stage. If you can get there then GET there. And keep an eye out for me - I'll be the one screaming in the front row.
Come on Neo.
Follow the white rabbit.
I finally saw Hamell On Trial play 2 nights ago at Woodford. Previous posts should make it clear how I feel about the man, but to say his performance was amazing could well be the understatement of the year.
OK, that may be the overstatement of the year, but seriously, there is no way to describe the way it was and the way it made me feel.

He's on tomorrow (31st) at 18:00 on the Club stage. If you can get there then GET there. And keep an eye out for me - I'll be the one screaming in the front row.
Come on Neo.
Follow the white rabbit.
Balls. Can't make it. Bootleg it! :P
I hate that I couldn't make it to Woodford to see Hamell On Trial. But I guess it's just more incentive to travel to America!
Did he play 'Big As Life'?
Did he play 'I'm Gonna Watch You Sleep'?
Did he play 'Choochtown'?
Man, I hope he didn't play 'Sugarfree', or I might just kick myself to death.
I hate to tell you this J, but the second set on new years eve, he OPENED with 'Sugarfree' and immediately followed that with 'Big As Life'. I had tears in my eyes. We talked to him after the show. He was funny, charming and legitmately thankful for our support. You should go to wherever he is. It changed my life.
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